9 December 2022

Why kettlebells HIIT training is a such a great way to stay fit?


We all know what a versatile training tool kettlebells are. If we have enough kettlebells of different weights, we can program our workouts so that they would serve different purposes. However, especially at this time of year, when the holidays are approaching and most of us are already tired from all the rush and work, we don’t feel like doing long or boring routine workouts. To the rescue comes a secret weapon in taking care of our bodies- HIIT kettlebell workouts!

Probably most of you have heard of HIIT (high intensity interval training). Why can this type of training prove effective in taking care of a healthy body composition and our well-being?

Why HIIT training?

As a result of interval training, our body significantly increases its oxygen demand long after the workout is over. This phenomenon is known as EPOC (excess post-oxygen consumption). The increased EPOC causes our resting metabolic rate to increase for 24 hours after interval training (or more, depending on the intensity of the session!). Our body turns into a calorie-burning machine.

Why kettlebells?

HIIT is not easy. Especially if we choose exercises that we consider unpleasant and monotonous. But wait a minute… kettlebells are freedom right?

With kettlebells we can create our metabolic workout however we want. By combining exercises in flows, workouts will pass in a flash. You already know that good kettlebell combo will stimulate your whole body, and by performing the set without putting kettlebell down, it will seriously raise your heart rate.

What do you need to know before creating your own HIIT routine?

The first rule – make it short, but intense.
Aim to complete the entire workout in 15-40 minutes. Try to rest briefly between sets in your workout-keep your rest-to-work ratio at 1:1 or even 0.5:. For example, if your one set of kettlebell flow lasts about 1 minute, you rest exactly 1 minute or 30 seconds. It is important not to let your body rest enough. Your breathing should be fairly heavy before your next set.

When coming up with your workout routine, you can find helpful using workout systems familiar from CrossFit, such as EMOM’s, AMRAP’s or For Time.

• EMOM’s
It means „every minute on the minute”. For example : 

10 minutes EMOM of 6 KB Snatches per side. 

When time starts, you do 6 snatches per each hand and then rest to the full minute. When second minute starts you do another 6 snatches.. and so on for 10 minutes.

As many rounds (or reps) as possible. This workout is great when you give yourself a set amount of time to perform a given training set, as many times as possible. For example:

15 min AMRAP of:
5 Double KB Half Snatch
5 Double KB Clean and Front Squat
5 Double KB Gorilla Row (each hand)
5 Push Up’s

(You repeat the whole set as many times as possible in 10 minutes)

• For Time
This is pure evil. You set yourself the goal of completing a given exercise as quickly as possible with given reps. For example;

200x KB Snatches with 24kg for time OR 100x KB Two-Hand Swing + 50x KB Goblet Squat + 25 KB Sit-Up’s for time.

Work hard and keep it fun

High-intensity interval training with kettlebells can still be fun. Remember that your goal is to work hard, but keep your workouts short and effective. 
 Create your workouts with exercises you love, but keep these few tips in mind. They’ll come in handy especially if you’re busy and don’t have much time for a long, classic workout. With increased EPOC, you will find it much easier to control your daily calorie intake.

And- don’t forget about proper technique.

It’s always better to finish a few seconds or reps earlier than to break your technique.