Feel better and be stronger with every clean, swing and snatch. Train smart with Jetsnatch.
Meet the app
Meet the appStart your journey
Jetsnatch system
Jetsnatch systemJetsnatch is a complete solution for kettlebell training
The app, the sensor, the algorithms - we get it going full time, with no place for half measures. That's the energy we get from cleans, swings and snatches. And we want to share that energy with you, as we believe a path of cleans and snatches leads to a place of strength, confidence and balance.

workout companion
workout companion
Inside fully resistant, training-proof sensor housing there’s a precisely designed set of miniature measuring devices (such as accelerometer and gyroscope), which are responsible for collecting all the important data during your kettlebell session. On top of that, there’s our yellow, easy-to-use sillicone fastening band, so you can use Jetsnatch sensor anywhere you want.
motion tracking technology
motion tracking technology
The heart of Jetsnatch system is made of AI-powered algorithms, fully capable of analyzing every exercise of your kettlebell routine. To get precise, faultless movement models, we have gathered a group of world-class KB professionals and recorded their workouts using motion capture. In other words, when you workout with Jetsnatch, you workout with the best!
IdeaAbout us
About usWe are Jetsnatch!
Coming from the kettlebell world, we love and we know what we do. Our team is a mix of coaching background and scientific approach, backed up by the know-how gained in R&D projects.
We bring our experience and create new solutions for the kettlebell training community, and we want you to be a part of it.