7 December 2022

JS Playlist #6: “Lift, shoot & fight” by Modern Viking


He is a professional shooter (discipline: IPSC), personal trainer and proud owner of the cutest border collie- Ułan. On his Instagram you will find plenty of kettlebell workout inspiration, always accompanied by good rock music. Meet Marcin a.k.a Modern Viking!

We have to admit-we admire Marcin’s “muscles of steel” and equally his musical taste. Are you curious what Modern Viking’s playlist looks like and what inspires him? Here you go!

BTW: What is Jetsnatch Playlist?

It’s a list of songs chosen by our friends and heroes that inspire and drive us to be better. Every month, we will try to introduce you to another list prepared by another member of the Jetsnatch family. It’s going to be interesting, varied and certainly very entertaining!


Marcin from Modern Viking: 07.12.2022 r.

Does and if so, how does music help you with your workout?
Music is an integral part of any of my training, the right song can be a real “game changer”.

What music genre do you prefer for your train-day?
In general, during my workout I like to listen to guitar music, movie music, or just music that has that magical something, that is able to pull that extra couple of % of power out of you.

Are there songs that you play to yourself during your workout that no one knows about?

What’s THE SONG for the last set?
It’s hard to choose one track, but the one that stuck in my mind was “Tool – 7empest” which is perfect for snatch workouts . It lasts more than 15 minutes, so even SSST is no big deal.

Tell us more about your Jetsnatch Workout Playlist.

The selected songs are just a small % of what comes out of my speakers, but any of these songs can boldly accompany me during even the hardest session. Thanks to them, I find motivation to give more out of me.